So at the end of 2017 I was told my site had been hacked & I had lost 13 years of amazing client blog posts.
All their stories but not their images.( they are secured in the Karissa Tuckwell photo vault).
So over the next few months I will endevour to repost some of these amazing pictures & posts. Of course I will not remember all the amazing little things that happened at a wedding 7 years ago but believe it or not I still remember every single couple.
Yes I was absolutely devestated but everything has a positive right?
It sure does. For all those couples that still follow me but they are nolonger together. This is a sad fact but its true. So if that is you…you are nolonger out there on my blog. You have a fresh blog beginning!! New photos, new family photos?
But if you would love to be part of my blog again as you just adore your photos. Simply email me & I promise they will go back up. If you would love to right a testimonial also for your photos to be featured on my website…please PLEASE message me!! I would LOVE to hear from you!!
Here is to the future of new blogs, new photos but also amazing old memories/blogs that will resurface again!!

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