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Wright Family Shoot “Beulah” Cowra NSW

Extended family shoots are always special, but some moments are just very special. For the Wright family of Cowra, NSW, this photo session was not just about capturing smiles and poses. It was a farewell to their beloved family property, “Beulah,” after 42 years of cherished memories of raising a family here for Malcom and Robyn,

With 5 children and 5 grandchildren, ad their partners the Wright family have cultivated countless memories on their farm. From harvests to heartfelt gatherings, wedding photos, every corner of Beulah holds a story. One of the shots Malcolm requested was a shot with his boys who helped farm here. This was a our last stop for the day. We drove up to one of the highest hills on the property. The light, the location the susset was magical!

Yes the shoot was easy. smiles, laughter and lots of lolly-pops for the kids. Everyone was happy. and did I mention the sunset was incredible too.

The next morning Rachel who is also a local Cowra photographer wanted a small family shoot for her little family. We searched for spots and found some more great locations on the farm. It was so foggy but again the clouds and light were amazing. The kids also had fun running around. So good Rachel and Dan did this. Last time we photographed this little family were only 3, now they are 5.. Also I feel its so important as a photographer to get on the side of the camera so we experience what its like. Yes its hard. and YES I am due to do it again!

Thanks guys for asking me to travel. It was so great to catchup again. All the best for all your new adventures!

photographing you all for the Wright family shoot Beulah farm Cowra NSW…will always hold a special place for me. Thank you!

Cheers Karissa

Cowra NSW sunsets and green hills for an extended family portrait session

Starr Family | Tamworth Family Portrait

a few weeks back I finally got to meet the Starr family. What a gorgeous afternoon it was. I have photographed a few of their good friends, the flynns, Leach’s and the Goodmans So when Bri contacted me asking for a family shoot I knew this was going to be fabulous.

Bri also mentioned that their family had so many precious memories on Conrad’s family farm which was just out of Tamworth and they wanted their family shoot to be there. So many great memories of bonfires, kids chasing the chickens and riding their bikes all over the farm.

Family shoots like this I adore. Just kids being kids, gorgeous long golden grass, a family that has alot of fun together So all their family photos look so natural not forced or posed.

Nellie & Chevy were just the coolest kids. From chasing the chickens, riding their bikes, showing me around the farm and just been so much fun. They loved having their photos taken. Yes these kids were a blessing to shoot!

Winter is usually a quiet time for family portraits. But I must say the softer light & gorgeous colors & textures of the clothing & incredible sunsets. It is such a perfect time of year to shoot.

Bri also runs her own skin care business Rodan + Fields so we were also able to shoot a few headshots for this. Go check out her instagram page she has some amazing photos & results on here of her clients and the products she offers

Thanks again Bri & Conrad, Nellie & Chevy for a great afternoon it was so lovely meeting you all.

McLoughlin Family | Family portraits |Gunnedah

A few weeks ago I caught up with Mel & her little for the second part of their family shoot. I first photographed Mel & her extended family on December 25th for my holiday promotion. That day was a little different for their family shoot. we photographed over 40 people that day( just in their family). So when we did just her little family it was a little different. Both are important & great but I must admit getting to know a little family & all the kids individual personalities is exactly what I love.

All the boys got right into the photoshoot running around, wresting & joking. just awesome! The Mcloughlin family were up for anything. The shoot felt more like hanging out then working. So yes it left me smiling all evening.

Thanks guys for such a great shoot.

cheers Karissa xx

Brown Family |Tamworth Newborn Photography

For a newborn family shoot in Tamworth you have a few options. A styled studio session where bub is usually wrapped up & more structured posed photos. Whilst I use to do these shoots a few years ago, this just isn’t me. You will see why below.

Brianna contacted me to book her newborn photoshoot in a few weeks before her second bub was born. She received a gift voucher from her closest friends- what a perfect gift!!! She was so excited & couldn’t wait for her shoot. Her & her fiance Mitch work & live on the family dairy farm. When we were chatting I said I don’t do studio newborn shoots. Rather if she was happy to, we would be photographing her little family outdoors where they live. As you will see this suited Brianna & Mitch perfectly. She also said that’s exactly what she wanted. & yes where they live was just perfect for this sort of shoot.

As soon as I arrived Mitch & Bri’s first son Brax got chatting to me. Telling me about his dog, the cats, the farm, his new brother & the thing he loved most- The cows!! Brax was incredible! he was able to tell me everything about the dairy cows on the farm, their names, who was who amongst all the cows & of course his favourite cow- This kid was a classic!! He also photographed perfectly!!

Huxley the newest addition to the Trickett family was just relaxed & slept through nearly the whole thing. But as you will also see this newborn is just so adorable! A huge thanks to Bri also she dressed everyone so perfectly.

I hope you guys enjoy these pics as much as I do!

Cheers Karissa

Joel & Jasmin | Tamworth Wedding|

A few weeks ago I photographed Joel & Jasmin for their wedding day. I have known Jasmin for years ever since her mum worked in the Kodak camera shop in Kmart Plaza Tamworth. Fast forward many years later & Jasmin meeting the man of her dreams I was asked to photograph their wedding.

Covid hasnt been easy on my couples wanting to get married. Jasmin & Joel patiently waited as restrictions eased. They decided to have a small wedding due to these restrictions & make the day about spending time with their very close friends & family.

They kept their original plans of their ceremony at The Tamworth Jockey Club but due to restrictions went to Corey’s function centre for their reception. This place, newly renovated looked incredible. As you will see amazing chandeliers hang from the ceiling. As soon as I seen these I knew this would make an incredible shot. The staff at Corey’s were incredible as we had to move a few tables to get this photograph thankyou!

Joel’s boss had a farm just outside of town so when they took me to show me this spot for location photographs I knew it would be incredible. Long grass, little country driveways, 100’s of photos spots all in one location.

The day was a freakishly cold day for a spring day but all the bridal party got amongst it & as you will see had so much fun! When a day happens like this I always say you have three things to keep you warm- alcohol, blankets ( which I pack for between photos pics) & each other!

I photographed Joel & Jasmin for an engagement shoot last year & just loved it. Here is one couple that are truly in-love & really appreciate what they have together. So photographing these guys for their wedding day was just one easy task. Just to see them their connection but with their closest friends & family was so memorable.

Cheers Karissa

Cake-whipped by Hayley

Flowers- Designer Bunches

Makeup- Amanda Louise

Ceremony Location- Tamworth Jockey Club

Celebrant- Donna

Wedding Reception- Connors by Corey

Flynn Family- Tamworth Family Shoot

I photographed the Flynn family a few weeks ago at Moore Creek. This family is just the sweetest. Pete & Courtney have two gorgeous kids, Lewis & Mia who were so well behaved, they also had the cheekiest grins & adorable laughs.

Pete & Courtney’s house that we photographed at was stunning. A photographers dream, I found little corners & spots of different colors & textures. This makes my job so easy as its like shooting in 10 locations but your travelling no more than a few meters.

I just love when families want a shoot that captures memories of normal family life & the house where their babies grew up. We then ventured out a few blocks away from their house for a different setting. Long grass, red roadways & vintage looking weeds that the sun lit up as it set. Yes Moore Creek is just divine to shoot in.

Courtney seen her good friends Bart & Cath’s family pics , loved them & wanted to update their family pics before the kids got older. This is so important as we all know kids change so quickly. So to capture these memories, when your babies are so little & life together as a family at this time in your families life is so important.

When I first met Courtney & seen her gorgeous house & how beautifully styled it was I knew I didn’t have to guide Courtney in what to wear for her & her family for her shoot. One of the dresses Mia wore was made by a good friend, Alice Radburn. This dress was simply too cute!! Thank you so much Curious Baby Originals. I also checked out your facebook page…wow you are so talented!!

Thanks again guys for a wonderful afternoon. I have the biggest smile as I put this blog together.

Cheers Karissa xx

Brown Family | Forster Family Photography

A few weeks back I travelled to Forster to catch up with friends, one of my brides for this year & finally catch up with the Brown family. I had been in contact with Sonia for a little while waiting for the time I would get to Forster & be able to photograph her family.

Sonia is a keen photographer herself & has photographed weddings & families. & just loves to use her camera. So she had some great locations in mind & all of them were perfect.

Being winter & not really beach people they wanted a few different locations yes with the beach in some photos but not the main feature. I think we achieved that.

I just adore how natural these photos look & I think everyone’s personality in the family has shone through. Yes the Brown family are just so sweet & so friendly.

The weather forecast for the weekend was not good at all & we waited till 2 hours before to make a decision to go ahead. I am so pleased we did. As rainey days like these, if they do clear usually end up with incredible soft light & sunsets & that is what we got.

I cant wait to go back to Foster in a few weeks time for Shania & Jay’s wedding. & to be shooting a wedding in the crazy Covid time!!

Thanks again Sonia & Brendon & your gorgeous little family.

Cheers Karissa xx

McDowall Family |Tamworth Family Portrait

I photographed The McDowall family a few weeks back before full Isolation took effect. Since then photography being a “non-essential service” I haven’t photographed any. Knowing this would be my final shoot for a while I went into this one so excited.

I have also known Shane & Simone for many years, before they had their kids. So when Simone mentioned she would love a family shoot I couldn’t wait.

Shane also organised an incredible location to photograph at near Bendemeer for their family shoot. I have photographed at this spot a few times over the years so when he suggested it I couldn’t wait.

Shane & Simone have three kids, Ryan, Indy & Riley. They are all so different in personality but had me in stitches all afternoon. Everyone was so willing to go exploring & walk through long-grass. The green-grass is so long at the moment it was actually difficult to walk through, definitely a problem we didn’t have this time last year.

We went scouting spots for the shoot before we started. Shane & Simone suggested near the river which had exquisite light coming though the trees. I also seen in the distance this cream fluffy-headed grass near a dead old tree in the paddock. All of these spots were just incredible for pics.

Thanks guys again for asking me to spend the afternoon & photograph your great family.

cheers Karissa

Tamworth Family Portrait | Blackburn Family

A few weeks back Liz contacted me wanting an update for their family photo. Little did I know this would be my last Tamworth family portait for sometime due to Covid-19.

But what a family photo shoot to show you all & as many have postponed their family shoots till we can get together again. So if you’re one of those families or thinking we need an updated family portrait, I hope you see these & want something similar for your family

In times like these when families are together we see what is truly important, that memories mean everything. That things within a family change so quickly but also how quickly our kids can change.

I photographed Doug & Liz’s wedding before they had a family. They are such a beautiful couple. I remember this wedding fondly. This wedding was such a “goosebumps wedding”. Family & their close friends meant everything to Doug & Liz on their wedding day. Their wedding was held where Liz grew up. They got married at the local church Saint Oswald’s Anglican Church followed by their reception at The Graze Willow Tree Inn.

Fast forward a few years later, Doug & Liz have two gorgeous boys Jimmy & Dan. They have the most gorgeous personalities. During the shoot the boys ran & laughed & were just boys…I just loved it!!. Yes they were so comfortable they had real belly-laughs which was so cute!! They are country boys growing up on a farm near Tamworth & you can tell they just love their life.

laughs all around for two young boys against a rusty farm shed near Tamworth. the young kids are wearing cowboy boots for their family portrait

Thanks guys for asking me to photograph your gorgeous little family.

cheers Karissa

Tamworth Engagement shoot | Brent & Heidi|

Yes it has been a while since I have done a Tamworth Engagement shoot so when I suggested it to Heidi before their wedding next month to get use to the camera & get some gorgeous pics together not in a wedding dress, her & Brent jumped at the chance.

Brent’s family farm is out towards Calala & backs onto King George avenue in Tamworth. This will be the perfect spot for their wedding & was an incredible spot for their engagement pictures.

Brent & Heidi love horses & wanted a few in their shots just incase we didn’t use them for the wedding. So just as the sun was in the perfect spot we started shooting. Then after dealing with a few other horses wanting their pictures done with us too we ditched them & headed off for more locations.

With all this long grass around there is plenty of flies. We did pack the aeroguard but forgot to tell Brent we had it. Brent is a butcher & works at Country capital meats– the flies left Heidi & me alone we totally forgot about Brent….wooops! So I have had to do a little photoshopping!

So Brent & Heidi have too many amazing locations to choose from. As you will see we had long grass next to a river with long horns, puddles & fences for amazing silhouettes at sunset Lucerne, corn…everything…did I mention the silhouetees…WOW!!!yes this is the perfect location for a perfect Tamworth engagement shoot!!!

When I do my engagement shoots I just love it when it feels like your hanging out with friends. It felt this way with Brent & Heidi. I also loved they were up for anything running climbing over fences etc

Thanks guys I really cant wait for your wedding!

Your an a amazing couple & I know your wedding will be so much fun!

cheers Karissa