Cowra NSW sunsets and green hills for an extended family portrait session

Wright Family Shoot “Beulah” Cowra NSW

Extended family shoots are always special, but some moments are just very special. For the Wright family of Cowra, NSW, this photo session was not just about capturing smiles and poses. It was a farewell to their beloved family property, “Beulah,” after 42 years of cherished memories of raising a family here for Malcom and Robyn,

With 5 children and 5 grandchildren, ad their partners the Wright family have cultivated countless memories on their farm. From harvests to heartfelt gatherings, wedding photos, every corner of Beulah holds a story. One of the shots Malcolm requested was a shot with his boys who helped farm here. This was a our last stop for the day. We drove up to one of the highest hills on the property. The light, the location the susset was magical!

Yes the shoot was easy. smiles, laughter and lots of lolly-pops for the kids. Everyone was happy. and did I mention the sunset was incredible too.

The next morning Rachel who is also a local Cowra photographer wanted a small family shoot for her little family. We searched for spots and found some more great locations on the farm. It was so foggy but again the clouds and light were amazing. The kids also had fun running around. So good Rachel and Dan did this. Last time we photographed this little family were only 3, now they are 5.. Also I feel its so important as a photographer to get on the side of the camera so we experience what its like. Yes its hard. and YES I am due to do it again!

Thanks guys for asking me to travel. It was so great to catchup again. All the best for all your new adventures!

photographing you all for the Wright family shoot Beulah farm Cowra NSW…will always hold a special place for me. Thank you!

Cheers Karissa

Cowra NSW sunsets and green hills for an extended family portrait session


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