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The Good Gift Co |Holly |Tamworth Business photographer

I have known Holly & Ben ever since I shot their Hunter Valley wedding in 2014. Since then I have photographed the new additions of their boys Alfie & Huxley. So while I have been her Tamworth wedding & family photographer I had never been her Tamworth business photographer.

This shoot was a little different. Holly has always had a eye for design & has incredible style.

She started a little business called The Good Gift Co last year so it wasn’t a shock to me her business took off!

She has made her dream come true after having her two boys she wanted to run a small business from home whilst looking after her kids.

A little while ago I was chatting to Holly about pictures for her Instagram. She does all her own & they look incredible but for her to be in some of the photos it was a bit tricky. Hence where I came in being her Tamworth business photographer.

Please go checkout her website it is just exquisite, from her signature handbags, jewellery & things for the home…

So when I came back this time we organised a small shoot with a good friend of hers Kymmy. Kymmy has twin girls, so along with Holly & her two boys & Holly’s amazing styling we set about on a lifestyle shoot.

Of course in true toddler style one twin fell asleep in the car on the way there so wasn’t in any pics. We set up under an amazing spot under a peppercorn tree, got some fabulous shots but due to the dog eating the cheese platter, a few tired kids & a big black storm brewing in the background we decided to let Ben watch the kids, pack up our picnic & let us girls just play near the house with the storm clouds in the background & be close to the house for a quick get away & hopefully not get struck by lightning in the process!

I am so happy we did!!!! The storm clouds & light is just incredible. As we played on the dirt road out the front of her house in the long grass. The storm got darker & darker but the light got better and better too. Holly & Ben live at such an amazing spot just outside of Tamworth. They have incredible sunsets & incredible storms as you will see. Cant wait for you all to see this!

Thanks again Holly!

McCulloch Family |Tamworth Family Photography |

Liss contacted me late last year wanting a Tamworth family portrait shoot. She had seen a friend of her’s Melissa had a family shoot & wanted the same for her family

When I email & chat to my families I love to know everything about everyone, ages & what photos the mums usually love- they are the ones that usually plan the shoot.

I also love chatting about what everyone will wear or what look they want in their photos. This is so important as you not only want everyone to look great but feel confident in what they are wearing. SO after a few pictures & messages back & forth Liss decided on these outfits for her family. What an eye she has I just loved how they looked in their family photos.

Liss & Matt have three great kids all with their own cute personalities so I wanted to capture these.

Twenty minutes into our shoot a few of the kids were attacked & bitten by green ants. And as most people would know to any small kid this isn’t great. So after lots of tears & a few great snuggle shots with mum we decided to finish the shoot & finish another day. I want all families to love their photos & when something like this happens very rarely can you recover or get your child as his normal happy self. So I think its so important with something like this to offer this at no extra charge.

A few days later we moved spots & met at Matt’s parents family farm for a few more shots. This place was incredible with endless paddocks of green grass surrounded by hills made the perfect backdrop.

Thanks again guys

Tamworth Wedding Photography | Chris + Taylor

On the weekend I came back from Cambodia to Chris & Taylors wedding on the outskirts of Tamworth. Chris & Taylor first contacted me last year when they started planning their wedding. They spoke to friends down the road Holly ( from the https://www.thegoodgiftco.com.au/) & Ben who I photographed a few years ago for their wedding in the hunter. Taylor loved her photos so she knew when she was planning her wedding she asked Holly who her Tamworth wedding photographer was.

Chris & Taylor had their ceremony & reception on Chris’s family farm on the outskirts of Duri. This place was just spectacular. I visited last year in the thick of the drought & it was still gorgeous but upon returning this month with endless green grass & full dams- this place looked incredible.

We were also lucky with dark moody storm clouds throughout the day that made their photos looks incredible.

I always meet up with my couples the week of the wedding to go through everything. As we drove around the family property I was overwhelmed with how many incredible locations they had to choose from. Yes they had too many. But as I explained to Chris & Taylor if they were happy lets make the final decision on the day for locations. I explained we didn’t know weather wise if we would have full sun, overcast, a little rain, sunset or no sunset. Their response was we honestly have no idea we totally trust you & cant see what you do photography wise -so you tell us- we totally trust you!. Thank you so much guys. So based on the light, weather & timing we chose the locations below.

What also made Taylor & Chris’s day so perfect was their bridal party, their family & friends. The bridal party were happy, up for anything & joked around all day. Also as many weddings today there is divorced parents. Sometimes this can be difficult but I was so impressed how all the parents at this wedding whether together or not, they were their for their kids & their happiness. Such a beautiful thing to see. Good country weddings like this truly stand out & leave such a beautiful impression on me when you are a Tamworth wedding photographer who does see so many weddings.

Chris & Taylor had so many amazing suppliers that helped them on their day they are below

Flowers-Botanique New England

Angus Lane -Religious Marriage celbrant

Marquee & décor hire –Gold Event Hire

Make-up- Kim Newsome Pure Beauty

Hair- Wild Orchid hair & beauty

Rings- Danny Designer Jeweller

Thanks again guys for such an incredible day.

cheers Karissa

Tey + Rith |Phnom Penh|Wedding Photography

I started shooting Srey Tey & Rith’s wedding photos two weeks ago. Yes, after shooting 400+ weddings I did my first ever pre-wedding shoot, that wasn’t shot on the actual wedding day. Yes it was shot in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. & I really can’t believe it has taken so long to do this.

I know pre-wedding shoots are very popular in asia. I thought the reason, so they could have multiple out-fit changes. Whilst this is true for some couples this wasn’t the case for Rith & Dey. To them for their wedding day they wanted amazing photographs but also wanted to spend quality time with friends and family. Not feeling so rushed & on a tight schedule.

Rith & Dey wanted to feel relaxed, chilled with their friends on location spending time with their close friends & with each other & giving all their energy to this before the wedding. Then on their wedding day concentrating on the ceremony, their commitment to each other & having quality time with friends & family. They also got to photograph at amazing locations without any time restraints. Time and again I have couples in rural Australia say they would love photos at their family farm, it would mean so much to them but sadly it is just too far or not possible Or “I adore this location but it is too far to travel back to the reception so we will have to forget it. Yes this is a personal choice & certainly not one for everyone. As there is many other factors involved but for Tey & Rith it was perfect. So if this is something you would like to consider for your wedding or even just you as a couple ( do your bridal party photos at the wedding) lets chat!

My verdict for pre-wedding photography is a huge thumbs up. Yes the bride has to have hair & make-up done especially for this. Some couples might say “oh but was it lacking the emotion not being on your wedding day?… definitely not for this couple & for their friends it was incredible!- we had an absolute blast.

Rith & Tey trusted me completely. They wanted me to find locations that were natural & not too staged. Sometimes Cambodian wedding photography is a lot of posing with friends & family. Whilst they wanted this on their wedding day they just wanted a more natural approach for their location photos. We were able to get this in their pre-wedding photographs

So a few days before I jumped on my motorbike & went on a scout around Phnom Penh for the perfect location. Not far from my house I found amazing locations- A plant nursery full of yellow potted flowers. This place was SPECTACULAR- Just endless potted yellow flowers as far as the eye could see & with a golden Cambodian sunset it was exactly how I pictured it! eeeek it was incredible!!

Fast forward two weeks to their weddings day it was just such a easy, beautiful day. At Cambodian weddings when the bride walks down the aisle everyone claps…which I just love! Another great idea I had never seen before Rith & Tey cut their wedding cake but they also cut the cake & served the cake to their parents. It looked so thoughtful & respectful to the ones that they loved the most. A gorgeous way of showing appreciation to your parents.

So many close- friends helped so much to make this wedding not only a success but a warm friendly, happy, emotion & so so smiley wedding. They had their friend Bong Phil give one of the best marriage talks I have ever heard ,friends Dakou & Steph, Stephanie & Sakha helped Tey & Rith get ready on the day, friends Mizaho & Nori ( & their helpers) did gorgeous flower arrangements & organised decorations etc. At Their reception at Dyvith Hotel many friends organised entertainment, singing and dancing for the couple.

Dey & Rith chose the Dyvith hotel for their reception. As a foreigner you are told in Cambodia to be wary of “food at weddings” but this place was just perfect. Super clean, amazing friendly staff & the food was delicious! A fabulous venue!

A few of Tey’s best friends organised a large framed print from their pre-wedding shoot. After singing a beautiful song the girls gave the print to them which bought Tey to tears.

Thank you so much Tey & Rith for letting me capture these incredible images. These images will hold a special place in my heart forever.

Karissa xx

A Beautiful Struggle |Pace Family |Tamworth NSW

This post is written from a friends viewpoint. All of us have had a family member or friend who has had to battle with Cancer. So when one of your best-friends, Deanna tells you whilst your on the other side of the world they have breast cancer it leaves you feeling so anxious, sad & so so far from home.

Fast forward a month we arrive after Deanna’s surgery & she is ready to tackle chemo-therapy.

It has been so comforting to be here whilst she undergoes this but also very confronting to see your friend in so much pain & knowing she has weeks of pain ahead of her. So these weeks whilst Im editing at home we’ve had many days together chatting over coffee, watching chic movies & our favourite TV shows. SO that has been one positive.

The one thing like most women, Deanna was most worried about was loosing her hair. After it started to fall out a few weeks after her first chemo session, Deanna went to her long-time hairdresser Renee at Glamour Empire to have “the shave”.

As you will see by the pictures below, Deanna has an amazing shaped head. & totally rocks it. Yes she is beautiful.

Its probably an unusual photoshoot to some but as I said to Deanna this will be the only time in your life you will have no hair. What will you loose, worse case we can delete them.

It was also very empowering to photograph & let her relax and have fun in front of the camera.

I also believe that for any woman who has been through this, is going through this or will go through this in the future- these images say-“you got this, & you have permission to be beautiful & feel empowered despite what changes your body is going through.

I first photographed Deanna with just me but after her family seen some of the pictures they wanted a few as well. So we headed out another afternoon to get these. I loved this as well because it is not only the person going through cancer but the whole family is affected too.

Thank you so much for letting me do this. I just loved spending time doing this & photographing your beautiful struggle.

Wes & Lyndal |New Zealand Wedding |Tauranga, NZ

Over four years ago we met Lyndal in Cambodia. She had just moved to Siem Reap & we had just moved to Phnom Penh. Over the years we would see each other, chat,come stay over & hangout. So when we found out she had met a guy in New Zealand when she went to catch up with some old friends we were so so happy for her.

Fast forward a few months later, after dating, Wes visiting Cambodia they were engaged. & everyone was just over the moon. I hadn’t met Wes yet but we love Lyndal. She is just so kind, friendly, giving & just such a happy person. So we knew Wes would be the same.

At the end of October we travelled over to Tauranga, New Zealand for this special wedding.

Wes & Lyndal & all their families did so much for this wedding. They thought of everything & everyone. All their overseas visitors had accommodation supplied with amazing friends in Tauranga, including us. We were totally spoiled by Jeff & Sue.

Wes & Lyndal were married at the kingdom hall of Jehovah’s witnesses in Tauranga on the North Island of New Zealand. & had a gorgeous reception at a cute country hall Oropi Memorial Hall. All of their Décor was hand-made so beautifully by Wes & Lyndal & a few friends and family.

Wes & Lyndal changed into traditional Maori & Cambodian dress for a few pictures at the reception. This just added to the atmosphere at their reception.

New Zealand is certainly an amazing location for photos for your wedding. Of course we had too many incredible spots to photos as you will see below.

Thanks again for inviting us to your special day guys. We feel so honoured to be part of this incredible day.

xx Tucky & Karissa

Simpson Family |Tamworth Family Portrait | The Pavillion, Tamworth

The Pavillion Function Centre Tamworth was the scene for a perfect family shoot of the Simpson family.

I first met Scott & Melissa years ago for their wedding back in February 2012. They had their ceremony & reception in the beautiful garden at The Pavillion. I still remember their day with a smile. Scott & Melissa had the best day with perfect weather, & surrounded by perfect family & friends.

So 7 years down the track I have photographed Scott & Melissa, their maternity shoot,newborn pics & now updated family pictures of their gorgeous little family of 4. They now have the gorgeous, very friendly & full-of-beans kids Willow & Jasper.

Melissa said she would always tell Willow her eldest daughter about the day her dad & mum got married as they drove past the The Pavillion function centre. Willow always wanted to go & visit as it always looked so beautiful & of course she believes with a beautiful garden there must be a lot of fairies that live there.

So last Sunday was the day to go explore, have family pics taken, Jasper with his digger & Willow in her princess dress ready to find some fairies

The light was just golden & so perfect.

I hope you love these pictures as much as me. What is there not to love a gorgeous family of four, two parents who truly love each other with two gorgeous kids with personality plus.

Cheers Karissa xx

Watson Family | Family Portrait |Wallabadah

Being in business for over 15 years as a photographer in the Tamworth area definitely has its perks. I get to meet amazing couples for their engagement shoots, then their wedding, & then the babies.

This is the case with Matt & Ellen. They have been married 9 years & three babies later I still love catching up & sharing/photographing in all their big moments in their life together.

In October last year I did their maternity/family portrait for baby number 3. I just adored this shoot. A family of five in the paddock at home. Kids & horses & an amazing sunset. So fast forward to nearly a year later baby number 3, Meg is nearly a year old.

Matt & Ellen always have a family shoot for every new member of the family. Matt & Ellen choose to not have a newborn shoot but when bub is a little older. They do this as you can see their little personality shine through. Whilst I love newborns shoots I agree & as you will see with these photos, Megs personality & her relationship with her brother & sister shines through.

I had such a beautiful time, as usual catching up with Rosie, Roy & little Meg. They are the most hilarious, down-to-earth, well mannered kids. Thanks Ellen & Matt for being such great parents & such great people.

cant wait till we meet again.

cheers Karissa

Leach Family | Family Portrait |Tamworth

Last week I caught up with Cath & Bart Leach for their family portrait out at their family home at Moore Creek.

I first met Cath & Bart back in 2013 for their wedding at Tangarratta. I just adored this wedding. Cath & Bart were one of the best couples I haveever photographed. Yes my type of couple. Funny, in-love, had great friends & family that were up for any photo. I remember their day fondly, I came away from that wedding with a sore mouth from laughing & smiling so much.

Like many of my couples I keep in contact through facebook, & I love seeing their posts of their new babies & special things happening in their life. So when Cath contacted me saying they needed a family shoot I couldn’t wait.

Their kids Max, Molly & Sadie are just like Cath & Bart, cruisey, relaxed, friendly & very funny. SO I just loved every minute!!

I just adore your photos. Your family is just adorable You cant beat a family shoot at home. Everyone is relaxed, the fridge isn’t to far a way for a beer.

Good luck in choosing a favourite!!

Thanks again guys

cheers Karissa

Doherty Family | Family Portraits |Tamworth NSW

My first shoot since returning from Cambodia was the Doherty family, Andrew, Nicole, Zoe & Jackson.

I first met Nicole & Andrew when she was pregnant with Zoe. The location for the pregnancy shoot was The Doherty families farm at Loomberah, just outside of Tamworth.

I just love catching up with families again to see how they have changed & see how the kids have grown.

The farm was a little different this time with the drought. Though green paddocks are beautiful & make amazing photographs I also love photographing when the paddocks are like this. I guess you can see beauty in anything.

At the Doherty family farm near Tamworth we had the perfect family portrait setting of green by the creek & dusty paddocks, the best of both worlds.

Nicole & Andrew also wanted to have a few photos with Andrew’s mum & dad to make it extra special.

We also organised a few shots a few days later when they had all the kids & grandkids home.

It was so lovely catching up again. Thanks again

cheers Karissa