McCulloch Family |Tamworth Family Photography |
Liss contacted me late last year wanting a Tamworth family portrait shoot. She had seen a friend of her’s Melissa had a family shoot & wanted the same for her family
When I email & chat to my families I love to know everything about everyone, ages & what photos the mums usually love- they are the ones that usually plan the shoot.
I also love chatting about what everyone will wear or what look they want in their photos. This is so important as you not only want everyone to look great but feel confident in what they are wearing. SO after a few pictures & messages back & forth Liss decided on these outfits for her family. What an eye she has I just loved how they looked in their family photos.
Liss & Matt have three great kids all with their own cute personalities so I wanted to capture these.
Twenty minutes into our shoot a few of the kids were attacked & bitten by green ants. And as most people would know to any small kid this isn’t great. So after lots of tears & a few great snuggle shots with mum we decided to finish the shoot & finish another day. I want all families to love their photos & when something like this happens very rarely can you recover or get your child as his normal happy self. So I think its so important with something like this to offer this at no extra charge.
A few days later we moved spots & met at Matt’s parents family farm for a few more shots. This place was incredible with endless paddocks of green grass surrounded by hills made the perfect backdrop.
Thanks again guys